Four people were slightly injured on Tuesday as a fire broke out at the Motor Oil refinery complex near the city of Corinth, ...
2025年第29届伊朗国际石油、天然气展览会(Iran Oil Show 2025) ...
BAGHDAD, Sept. 9 (Xinhua) -- Chinese energy firms are making a notable appearance at Iraq's second International Exhibition and Conference for Oil Projects and Licensing Tours, which commenced in ...
棕榈油是世界上生产、消费和交易最多的植物油,可以作为食品、化妆品等产品的原料或添加剂。同时,棕榈油的大量生产也会导致热带雨林的大量砍伐和土地开垦,造成生态环境破坏。RSPO认证确保了棕榈油、棕榈仁油及其衍生物以可持续的方式生产,而减少对环境的影响。珀莱雅深知,公司的采购行为对环境、社会均有重要影响,我们需要站在全价值链系统的整体高度审视我们的责任,坚持以负责任的方式采购原材料。同时,公司将从管理层 ... – 希腊股市在星期五走低,其中电信、日用品和基础资源等下跌的板块带领股指走低。 希腊雅典收盘时,Athens General Composite下跌0.22%。 Athens General ...