How do you like to go up in a swing, Up in the air so blue? Oh, I do think it the pleasantest thing Ever a child can do! Up in the air and over the wall, Till I can see so wide, River and trees and ...
David's Island covers an area of about 80 acres, mostly meadow-land. The spot is altogether one of the pleasantest that could have been selected. An almost constant breeze purifies and invigorates.
One of the pleasantest places in the Square to waste an idle hour or so in conversation and looking around is Schuster's Art Gallery on Palmer Street, behind the Coop. The Gallery is in the loft ...
Virginia Woolf's father recalls family summers at Talland House: The pleasantest of my memories of this kind refer to our summers, all of which were passed in Cornwall, especially to the thirteen ...
Jason opens the door into Chicagos variously stricken by drought, drowned by risen waters, half-buried in snow, blighted by plague and – in the pleasantest version – basking in happiness.
The sailing vessels of the fleet have very tastefully been selected by the Secretary of the Navy from that portion of our maritime force with which our pleasantest national memories are associated.
But also: “Parents typically report the odour of their baby as the pleasantest of scents,” notes Dr Thomas Hummel of the University of Dresden in an extended review of how odours foster ...
On the whole the races were very successful, and formed one of the pleasantest features of the day. Want to keep up with breaking news? Subscribe to our email newsletter. The Harvard Crimson The ...
Royal County Down has a prestigious legacy in the history of the Irish Open and the sport of golf, and it has hosted the ...
One Percival Goodman, 21, was presently informed that he had designed the pleasantest home for tire filibusterers, won thereby a scholarship of $3,000, two and one-half years at the Ecole des ...
Royal County Down has a prestigious legacy in the history of the Irish Open and the sport of golf, and it has hosted the ...
By far the pleasantest way to make the trip is via the Great Northern Railway lines, whose engines snort with brisk Ulster efficiency from the lazy glens of Antrim past the Mountains of Mourne.