This webcast will explore significant differences in precision within and across the latest large-scale proteomic platforms and their intercorrelations, based on blind duplicate split assays of ...
Proteomic analysis of tunneling nanotubes (TNTs) identifies CD9 and CD81 as major positive regulators of TNT formation.
本文借助 空间单细胞蛋白组技术 准确地描绘了原发性和复发性HCC患者的肿瘤微环境,将肿瘤微环境描述为一个动态的系统。该研究对免疫细胞如何参与HCC的病理过程做出了重要的解释,描绘了肿瘤微环境中促进HCC早期复发的空间互作机制,为复发的复杂机制研究提供了宝贵的资料,为相关生物标志物和治疗干预手段开发提供了新的理论依据。
A new research paper titled "Proteomic and secretomic comparison of young and aged dermal fibroblasts highlights cytoskeleton ...
This review provides a comprehensive overview of the latest candidate proteomic biomarkers of venous thrombosis and of the proteomics studies relevant to its pathophysiology, some of which seem to ...
In a recent study published in the journal Nature Medicine, researchers developed a proteomic age clock using plasma proteins to predict biological age and the associated health risks. They found ...
More information: Françoise Boismal et al, Proteomic and secretomic comparison of young and aged dermal fibroblasts highlights cytoskeleton as a key component during aging, Aging (2024). DOI: 10. ...
Getting an accurate estimate of when someone died is a critical part of forensic investigations. In extremely cold conditions ...
Discover more with the first and only technology that can measure 7,000 proteins over a broad range of concentrations. Built on 20 years of pioneering proteomics technology, The SomaScan Assay enables ...
The Indian Cancer Genome Atlas (ICGA) has launched India's first comprehensive cancer multi-omics data portal which provides ...