Yachihe Bridge, standing 434 meters above the Yachi River on the boundary between Qianxi county and Qingzhen city in Guizhou ...
They are Lubei, Lunan, Guye, Kaiping, Fengrun and Fengnan districts, Zunhua and Qian'an cities, and Luan, Luannan, Laoting, Qianxi, Yutian and Tanghai counties. Tangshan has a history of more than one ...
A recent fashion show explores new boundaries in sports fashion through innovative applications of fiber materials. [Photo ...
一起完成史诗般的恢宏表演——《暴雨》——由惠特克改编自奥克塔维奥·帕斯(Octavio Paz)的诗歌。(翻译:Qianxi Xiao,审译:Bi Chen) ...
The fashion show is part of the Huafon Qianxi China Fibers Co-branding World series of events, which aims to continuously focus on the stories of Chinese fiber brands and attract more quality ...