Aspen form individual patches comprised of numerous stems, termed ramets, each with its own trunk, branches, leaves and a shared root system (Figure 2). All of these structures arose from a single ...
This package is designed to be used by members of dendrochronological comunity, especially those, who analyse height growth of trees and lateral elongation of ramets of prostrate shrubs. Specific ...
Kent, Martin Moyeed, Rana A. Reid, Catherine L. Pakeman, Robin and Weaver, Ruth 2006. Geostatistics, spatial rate of change analysis and boundary detection in plant ...
The Anthropocene, with the ongoing global changes in climate, land use, acidity, and content of toxins, represents the greatest recent challenges for plants. Clonal ...
ABSTRACT Morous Alba, known as white mulberry contains many oxidative flavonoids, widely used in the treatment of many diseases like hyperglycemia, inflammation, fever and cancer. In the present study ...
COSEWIC status reports are working documents used in assigning the status of wildlife species suspected of being at risk. This report may be cited as follows: Crossman, E.J.1994. COSEWIC status report ...