1957年,在整风运动中,极少数资产阶级右派分子乘机鼓吹所谓“大鸣”、“大放”、“大民主”,向党和社会主义制度发动进攻。为了坚持党对社会主义事业的领导,巩固新生的社会主义制度 ...
Fortunately, along came the Federalist Society in 1982, beginning the bringing of rightist rigor to Republican judicial selection. At around the same time, mayors and police chiefs began ...
1925年11月23日,邹鲁、谢持、林森、张继等12名反对容共的国民党右派中央执行委员和监察委员,在西山碧云寺召开“国民党一届四中全会”,史称 ...
This deterioration of ideology was not good for democracy, he said, adding that people have begun to write politicians off as opportunists, rather than rightist or leftist. “Everyone wants to be ...
"We are neither rightist, nor leftist. We are opportunists. It is expected from writers and intellectuals that they express their opinions without any fear," he added. Gadkari also said that as ...
Sean Gallup/Getty Images Wagenknecht has since grown adept at finding a leftist angle for what are commonly rightist stances. Her skepticism of immigration is due, in great part, to her support of the ...
Some have toned down former far-rightist rhetoric to try to widen their appeal to voters. So, what might change in Europe if the European Parliament swings to the right? The EU has long nursed a ...