By Saman Indrajith The majority of MPs who supported Ranil Wickremesinghe in the Presidential Election have now decided to ...
Opposition Leader Sajith Premadasa says that he was unanimously chosen as the Prime Ministerial candidate of the ‘Samagi Jana ...
Time will tell what kind of statesman he makes, but one must salute Anura Dissanayake’s evolution into a brilliant politician ...
Sajith Premadasa, the leader of Sri Lanka's main opposition party, is a frontrunner in Saturday's presidential election and a ...
The 2024 presidential election results of the Gampola, Kopai and Pelamdulla polling divisions have been released with ...
9月22日晚,根据斯里兰卡选举委员会的数据,阿努拉·库马拉·迪桑纳亚克(Anura Dissanayake)以 5,634,915 票 (42.31%) 获得最多选票,其次是反对党领袖 Sajith Premadasa 的 32% 和现任总统 ...
(科伦坡22日讯)一名此前不太知名的马克思主义政治人物,有望在周日成为斯里兰卡的新总统。这次总统选举是该岛国面临前所未有的金融危机所产生的强烈不满情绪中进行的。法新社报导,周六持续计票结果显示,迪萨纳亚克(Anura Kumara ...
【文/观察者网专栏作者 毛克疾、喻琬淋】当迪萨纳亚克于2024年9月23日在历史悠久的斯里兰卡国会大厦内宣誓就任总统时,他一定不会忘记这正是他和他的同志们当年计划武装攻占的政治地标。现在,他达成了当年的革命理想,只不过是用了一种截然不同的方式。
Sri Lanka’s Leader of Opposition Sajith Premadasa, who lost to leftist leader Anura Kumara Dissanayake in Saturday’s ...
(科伦坡22日讯)斯里兰卡选举委员会今天正式宣布,马克斯主义领袖迪桑纳亚克赢得总统大选,击败主要反对派领袖普瑞马达沙,以及现任总统威克瑞米辛赫。据中央社引述法新社报导,斯里兰卡选举委员会在网站公布,55岁的迪桑纳亚克(Anura Kumara ...
Three decades after his father was assassinated as Sri Lanka's leader, opposition chief Sajith Premadasa is a top contender ...
National Peoples Power [NPP] presidential candidate Anura Kumara Dissanayaike led Samagi Jana Balwegaya [SJB] presidential ...