The US Secretary of Defense, has asked Israel to reexamine its military rules of engagement in the occupied West Bank after a Turkish American activist was shot dead by Israeli forces last week. 上周,一名 ...
An armed man was shot dead by police on Thursday morning after a standoff on a Melbourne freeway. Source: Nine News. 警方在接到有一名男子持有武器的报告后于约9点30分赶到北 ...
美国肯塔基州(Kentucky)一警长9月19日在一个县法院内与法官发生争执,随后开枪将其击毙。涉事警长其后自首,并被控一级谋杀。 据《纽约时报》报道,当地时间19日下午2:55左右,43岁的警长Shawn M. Stines在该州怀特斯堡(Whitesburg)Letcher县法院内向地区法官Kevin Mullins连开多枪,对方当场死亡。Stines后向警方自首,目前已被送往当地监狱。
JERUSALEM, Sept. 8 (Xinhua) -- A gunman opened fire on Sunday at the Allenby Bridge, a key crossing point between the Israeli-occupied West Bank and Jordan, killing three people before being shot dead ...