This experiment was deployed on Apollo 11, 12, 14, 15, and 16 to determine the chemical composition of solar wind. The moon provided an excellent location to study solar wind because, unlike the Earth ...
Communications satellites are composed of a complex array of electronic devices that facilitate the receiving or sending of signals (known as the payload) with ground stations on the Earth, or support ...
Dragonflies and other flying insects flap their paper-thin wings very fast to help them fly. Their bodies are thin and sleek.
In 1925 the Fairchild-Caminez Engine Corporation was formed and undertook development of a novel engine designed by Harold Caminez. A cam drive mechanism converted reciprocating motion of the pistons ...
Enjoy views of the Moon, along with other night sky objects, at the Udvar-Hazy Center, weather permitting. Astronomy Program Observe the Sun DC Metro Area Fridays and Saturdays from 12:00 pm to 3:00 ...
Entered Navy flight training July 1942 - received pilot wings October1943. Like everyone, flew many operational missions during World War II and Korea. During career flew over 6000 hours in 22 ...
The XV-15 Tilt Rotor technology demonstrator was the culmination of efforts begun in the early 1950s to produce an aircraft that could takeoff, land, and hover like a helicopter, but with the speed of ...
This is part of the Control Data 3800 series mainframe computer installed and used for many years at the Consolidated Space Test Center, Sunnyvale, California, where it was used in the management of ...
Pratt & Whitney developed the TF30 turbofan engine as a private venture, originally working with Douglas Aircraft in early marketing considerations for the DC-9 small jet transport. However, what was ...
The Argus Motoren Gesellschaft, founded in Germany in 1902, produced its first aircraft engine in 1906, possibly the first such German engine. During the years 1910 to 1913, most of the practical ...
Howard was born in Petersburg, VA and attended public schools in Petersburg and Brooklyn, NY. After graduating from Virginia State College, he entered the Army Air Corps as an Aviation Cadet in March, ...
The A7L pressure suits worn by Neil Armstrong and Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin when they took the first steps on the Moon in July 1969 were a remarkable piece of engineering A suit that allowed an astronaut to ...