The robber’s dagger was the Eid’s crescent to him “Ah Yathrib” was within heart, Tawhid’s slogan was on the lips ...
A collection of thirteen letters of Iqbal addressed to the Quaid-i-Azam were published by Sh. Muhammad Ashraf of Lahore in April 1943. This small collection also contained a brief Foreword by the ...
Iqbal was also critical of the political system of the west. In his opinion, the western concept of democracy hinged on capitalism. He puts these thoughts into verse saying.
Iqbal was certain that the Muslim Ummah if united would certainly be successful. He expresses his hopefulness in one of his verses and the gist is: ...
Mirza Asad Ullah Khan Ghalib is one of the greatest names in Urdu poetry. Dr. Iqbal paid thsi tribute to Mirza Ghalib who is mostly taken as a humorous poet but there is mostly a thought provoking ...
Pakistan was demanded on the fundamental basis that the Indian Muslims constituted a nation by themselves and were, therefore, entitled to the right of self-determination. During the period of the ...
Khurram Ali Shafiq's book "" awarded Rs. 5 Lacs and Gold Medal for best Urdu book written on Iqbal. Lahore: Iqbal Academy Pakistan has announced the Presidential Iqbal Award for the best Urdu book ...
Picture Gallery of Allama Iqbal.
As makes the Paradise appear a mere magic show. The creation of a beautiful world through beautiful music is the primary function of Iqbal and whatever else he accomplishes he does by fulfilling this ...
اقبال کی ایک پرستار : سیدہ اختر حیدر آبادی ڈاکٹر معین الدین عقیل کلام اقبال کی مقبولیت خود ان کے اپنے زمانے میں ایک مثالی حیثیت اختیار کر چکی تھی کہ اس کے مظاہر اور اس کی مثالیں، بالخصوص اقبال کی ملی ...
Muslims are supposed to work together towards a common goal set by the Quran and shown by the Prophet (PBUH) through his Sunnah. They are brothers and sisters because they are bonded by the common ...
A Sapru Brahman family had migrated, approximately three hundred years ago, from Kashmir and put down roots in a small town of Punjab, Sialkot. Soon after, the family members embraced Islam. Dr.