The Science Team Leader for ASTER, Dr. Yasushi Yamaguchi, is a professor at the Graduate School of Environmental Studies, Nagoya University, Japan. He graduated Tohoku University, Japan, and obtained ...
In June of 2016, Dr. Helen Worden became the U.S. Principal Investigator for MOPITT. She is interested in multi-decadal trends of carbon monoxide that indicate changing emissions of pollution with ...
ASTER website informs a broad audience about ASTER data and products. ASTER data are are available from several archives: ...
Nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorous are not directly measurable with satellite observations. However, satellites can measure chlorophyll concentration, which can act as somewhat of a proxy for ...
Carbon is a fundamental part of the Earth system. It is one of the primary building blocks of all organic matter on Earth and a key element in setting Earth’s temperature. Carbon moves from the ...
To improve air quality, it is important to know what contributes to polluting the air. Haze comes from a variety of sources. Your skies may be hazy from local traffic, or industry such as for example ...
When energy from the Sun reaches the Earth, it warms the atmosphere, land, and ocean and evaporates water. The movement of water from the ocean to the atmosphere to the land and back to the ocean—the ...
Climate is the sum of weather over time, the average temperatures and rainfall of a place. Earth’s climate—how hot our planet is on average—is set by the Sun. Anything that changes the amount of solar ...
Fundamentals of Remote Sensing – An interactive online tutorial on remote sensing technology and its applications from the Canada Centre for Mapping and Earth Observation, Natural Resource Canada.
How successfully do rain gauges catch rainfall patterns? Do the satellites record the same patterns of data as the ground-based gauges? How many gauges are required in order to observe regional ...
Terra has consistently orbited Earth from Pole to Pole for over twenty years, collecting important data about Earth’s systems. Crossing the equator at 10:30 am mean local time allowed Terra’s five ...
Dr. Nyssa Rayne is an Outreach Coordinator on contract at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center through Global Science and Technology. She manages the Terra Mission website, providing the public with ...