Rue Darb el-Barabra, Robertson and Beato, ca. 1857. Ken and Jenny Jacobson Orientalist Photography Collection. The Getty Research Institute, 2008.R.3 Exceptionally strong holdings of this genre were ...
This is the third report on the research on values and economics of cultural heritage, which was started at the Getty Conservation Institute in 1995.The early results of this project highlighted some ...
Over the past twenty-five years, Abelardo Morell (American, born Cuba, 1948) has become internationally renowned for photographs that push the boundaries of the medium while exploring visual surprise ...
Find in WorldCat Guías de planeamiento e ingeniería para la establizatión sismorresistente de estructuras históricas de adobe Download PDF Find in WorldCat A companion volume to Seismic Stabilization ...
9. Mosaic Panel with Peacock Facing Left Roman, from Syria, possibly Emesa (present-day Homs), AD 400–600 Stone tesserae, 196.9 cm × 115.5 cm 75.AH.121 Gift of William Wahler 10. Mosaic Panel with ...
Ancient Iran, historically known as Persia, was the dominant nation of western Asia for over twelve centuries, with three successive native dynasties—the Achaemenid, the Parthian, and the ...
Arrangement of Specimens was made by French photographer Hippolyte Bayard in about 1842. This work of art lives at the Getty Center. Find out if it's on view. Have you ever seen a blue photograph? If ...
The Villa dei Papiri was a sumptuous private residence on the Bay of Naples, just outside the Roman town of Herculaneum. Deeply buried by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in AD 79, it was rediscovered ...
A kind of encyclopedia of animals, the bestiary was among the most popular illuminated texts in northern Europe during the Middle Ages (about 500–1500). Because medieval Christians understood every ...
A serious problem facing museum professionals is the protection of collections from damage due to insects. This book describes successful insect eradication procedures developed at the Getty ...
The J. Paul Getty Museum seeks to inspire curiosity about, and enjoyment and understanding of, the visual arts by collecting, conserving, exhibiting and interpreting works of art of outstanding ...
David Myers and Janet Hansen A critical first step in the conservation of cultural heritage is to identify and understand the places we want to protect. This publication provides a step-by-step guide ...