Ever since Superman’s first appearance in 1938, comic books have captured the hearts and minds of children and adults with stories of heroes and the evildoers they vanquish. And some of these comics ...
People who can take constructive criticism are able to make positive changes to their performance. Hearing critical feedback about yourself can be difficult. After all, who likes to hear a list of ...
Nobody can see the future for certain, but these jobs show strong signs of sustained future growth. On the hunt for a job you can call a career? One key to long-term employment is to find a ...
“The Simpsons” is the most iconic animated series ever made. It’s certainly the longest running — the series will be entering its 31st season in late 2019. It might just be the most lucrative show in ...
Scientists working on medical research in a lab. Educators have been pushing careers in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) for a long time. In 2001, Judith Ramaley, the assistant ...
Collecting things is one of the world's oldest hobbies. From famous paintings to rocks, there's a market for just about anything. So next time you're spring cleaning, don't just throw everything away.
Based on a 1973 fantasy novel, the 1987 movie “The Princess Bride” has something for everyone: action, comedy, drama, fantastical creatures, miracles, revenge, sword fights, true love and a fairy-tale ...
Somewhere around the mid-2000s, television shows strayed from simple, low-budget productions to complicated, sprawling epics with enormous budgets. Gone are the days of the traditional TV shows. Now ...
Scouring thrift stores is a favorite pastime of many people. While we often find small things we love and can’t do without, it's rare to find truly valuable items. But it does happen. Some ...
Hollywood has been a male-dominated industry, but that’s changing. A study from the Center for the Study of Women in Television and Film at San Diego State University found that female characters ...
Remember that job you thought you’d have when you grew up? Since not too many of us turned out to be astronauts, ballerinas or rock stars, odds are your career took a different turn. If your 9 to 5 ...
Many of us get stressed out by our jobs. There’s the pressure to perform well and the self-doubt that occurs if we’re passed up for a promotion or our career path doesn’t go as planned. While it’s ...