中国前外交部长秦刚已经从公众视野中消失超过一年,官方语焉不详,引发外界众说纷纭。近日有美媒披露,秦刚名义上担任中国外交部下属的一家出版社的一个低阶职务,已免于牢狱之灾。有分析人士质疑,该消息可信度有待验证,不过秦刚波澜起伏的政坛生涯着实映射出中共统治 ...
The Young Professionals Program does not offer deferred entry and you must be prepared to start full-time employment with the World Bank Group on September 8, 2025.
为了吸引更多外籍人才留穗发展,广州全面深化落实九项的医保便民惠民措施,让广州市参保人(包含身处广州的外籍人士),全面享受这些利好措施。 ● Foreign nationals legally working in China who hold a ...
The World Resources Institute (WRI) Beijing Office is seeking three highly self-motivated students to be research interns for ...