Referring to the ES cell–derived tissue masses as teratocarcinomas (neoplastic tumors) is not only ontologically inaccurate: in view of the heated debate surrounding the conduct of human ES cell ...
they give rise to teratomas and teratocarcinomas (see Rudnicki and McBurney [91]); (2) when stimulated to differentiate in vitro, they form embryoid bodies comprised of different cell types of the ...
Perhaps the best models for this research are the testicular and ovarian teratocarcinomas, with their embryonal carcinoma malignant stem cells (malignant embryonic stem cells) and the benign cells ...
The Biology of human Embryonic Stem Cells and their Malignant counterparts from Teratocarcinomas. The Biology of Human Pluripotent Stem Cell Fate Determinations Human embryonic stem cells (HESCs) are ...