Near the end of World War II, Vice Admiral Onishi Takijiro recommended that the Japanese navy form special groups of men and aircraft to attack the American warships gathering to conduct amphibious ...
Dragonflies and other flying insects flap their paper-thin wings very fast to help them fly. Their bodies are thin and sleek.
Enjoy views of the Moon, along with other night sky objects, at the Udvar-Hazy Center, weather permitting. Astronomy Program Observe the Sun DC Metro Area Fridays and Saturdays from 12:00 pm to 3:00 ...
This is a full-scale model of the Patriot Advanced Capability-2 (PAC-2) Guidance Enhanced Missile + (GEM +), a U.S. Army one-stage, solid-fuel, ground-launched interceptor designed to destroy tactical ...
The three people who went to the Moon on Apollo 11 ...
Following the end of World War Two, many strategists within the military services of the United States and its European allies realized that the large prepared runways required for jet aircraft were ...
In the P-38 Lockheed engineer Clarence "Kelly" Johnson and his team of designers created one of the most successful twin-engine fighters ever flown by any nation. From 1942 to 1945, U. S. Army Air ...
Two Contact Soil Sampling Devices were flown on Apollo 16 only. Their purpose was to collect special samples of the uppermost layers of lunar regolith. One device had a sampling pad covered with beta ...
The American Rocket Company (AMROC) was established in 1985 by George Koopman with the goal of developing space exploration with hybrid rocket technology. Promoting the safety and economical aspects ...
Honored by: Mr. Hermon C. Cook Jr. Graduated from Texas Tech University in 1982 and spent eight years on active duty as a naval aviator. Included were two Mediterranean deployments onboard USS John F.
A graduate of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute with a degree in aeronautical engineering, Col Glidden is a much decorated Marine aviator spending over thirty years on active duty and participating in ...
In the early 1930s, the Navy supported development by Wright of two new liquid-cooled engines, the H-2120 and the V-1800, in a special "high-speed development program." This was undertaken because of ...