Learning more about the pros and cons of a raw diet for dogs is important so dog owners can make an informed decision before starting a dog on a raw diet. Here's veterinarian Dr. Anna Cherry's guide ...
If your dog won't put weight on his back leg, you are rightfully concerned, dog's don't go limping like that unless there's a good reason to. Discover several potential causes for back leg lameness in ...
If your dog has cold paws, you may be wondering whether you should worry about it or not. Among humans, it's quite normal to have cold feet on cold winter days, but what about dogs? Discover 4 causes ...
You may have noticed how many livestock guardian dogs are white, why is that? Were livestock guardian dogs selectively bred to be white on purpose, or was it a casual happening? Let's discover more ...
There are not many dog breeds as unique as the Double-Nosed Andean Tiger Hound. As the name implies, this is a dog breed with "two noses," similar to the Pachon Navarro. Discover more about this ...
If you're wondering at what age female dogs breed, you likely have some big projects in mind. Countless dog owners dream of their dogs having a litter and who doesn't love the pitter patter of small ...
Many dogs pee in the house when left alone, but the reasons why they do this are not what it may seem. Countless dog owners accuse their dogs of peeing in the house upon leaving in belief that they do ...
Many dogs foam at the mouth after licking a toad causing dog owners to wonder what's up with their dog. Discover what is going on, along with important first aid information about toad toxicity in ...
If you're looking for the causes of high white blood cell count in dogs, most likely your dog's blood work has numbers that were off the charts. Discover several potential reasons for high levels of ...
Dogs have a bump on the roof of their mouth and not many dog owners are aware of it, until one day, they accidentally stumble upon it when perhaps their dogs are yawning while lying down belly-up.
Whether human pregnancy tests work for dogs is something many dog owners wonder about. After all, wouldn't it be great if we could just step into a pharmacy and pick up an over-the-counter pregnancy ...
Dogs stick their head out of car windows because it feels rewarding to them. This is the short and simple answer to this question. Of course, there is a longer version and that tackles how dogs ...