Imperial Coll., London and Johns Hopkins U.
IAIFI, Cambridge and MIT and Harvard-Smithsonian Ctr. Astrophys.
Expressions are derived for the mass of a stationary axisymmetric solution of the Einstein equations containing a black hole surrounded by matter and for the difference in mass between two neighboring ...
The workshop on Energy Recovery Linacs 2024 (ERL2024) is the tenth in the series of biannual international workshops covering accelerator physics and technology of Energy Recovery Linacs. The workshop ...
We have developed a Monte Carlo generator for simulating charmonium J/ψ and ψ(2S) inclusive decay. In the model, charmonium decay via gluons is described by the QCD partonic theory, and the partonic ...
A cosmological model is proposed in which the universe is created by quantum tunneling from literally nothing into a de Sitter space. After the tunneling, the model evolves along the lines of the ...
The International Conference on Hard and Electromagnetic Probes of High-Energy Nuclear Collisions (HARD PROBES 2024) will be held at Nagadaki (Japan) from September 22nd to 27th, 2024. This is the ...
We outline an all-orders, all-logarithms proof of the factorization theorem for the pion electromagnetic form factor in QCD. The proof is based on the analysis of the large momentum behaviour of ...
Quantum gravity seems to introduce a new level of unpredictability into physics over and above that normally associated with the uncertainty principle. This is because the metric of spacetime can ...
The International Conference on New Frontiers in Physics aims to promote scientific exchange and the development of novel ideas in science, with a particular emphasis on interdisciplinary ...
The hadronic properties of heavy–light flavour mesons,vis a visB,Bs,DandDs, are investigated by treating the light flavour relativistically and the heavy flavour non-relativistically with an effective ...
I discuss briefly in this review, dedicated to the centenary of the birth of the great neutrino physicist Bruno Pontecorvo, the following ideas he proposed: (i) the radiochemical method of neutrino ...