(39%) and diverse activities for all age groups (34%)However, increased health and safety concerns (30%), conflicting ...
Booking.com is one of the world’s leading online travel platforms, connecting travelers with the widest choice of incredible places to stay, countless memorable experiences and attractions as well as ...
Almost two-thirds (62%) of families rank spending quality time as the main motivator for traveling this year, followed by finding the time to properly relax (58%), and discovering new places (48%).* ...
While crowds flock to the world’s most popular destinations this peak travel season, Booking.com’s research reveals that a ...
Booking.com’s travel predictions for 2024 highlight how travel isn’t just an escape, but a catalyst for people to experience their best lives. In fact, more than three quarters (78% 1) of survey ...
旅客可以在全新平台上输入“旅行关键词”,根据个人兴趣搜索和发现更精彩的旅游目的地 阿姆斯特丹 - 2016年3月1日 - Booking.com缤客(隶属于Priceline集团[NASDAQ: PCLN],全球在线住宿预订领导者)今日发布了一项全新技术,旅客可以根据自己最感兴趣的主题,轻松 ...
Viajar sozinho pode ser uma experiência libertadora, proporcionando a oportunidade de conhecer novas culturas, fazer amigos e se conectar consigo mesmo. Para comemorar o Dia dos Solteiros, que é ...
PRINCIPAUX ENSEIGNEMENTS 57 % des non-Franciliens ont déclaré que les événements sportifs de l’été leur ont donné envie de voyager à travers la France. 25 % des non-Franciliens ont indiqué … En savoir ...
Across the globe travel has been on the backburner. But now hope fills the air as would-be travellers are starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel thanks to the roll-out of vaccines and the ...
With a renewed sense of travel optimism on the horizon, almost half (46%) of people around the world believe that 2023 is the year to throw themselves into new travel experiences. And the good news is ...
This week, Booking.com launched a campaign to incentivize those customers in the United States who had to cancel their bookings within the country as a result of government travel restrictions related ...
For those looking for something truly special to inspire their future travels, Booking.com is unveiling the Most Welcoming Cities on Earth for 2022*. From off-the-radar island escapes, historic cities ...