The Akamai Internship Program, renowned for its commitment to fostering local talent in the fields of science, technology, ...
The stunning image of a "firecracker" at the edge of the Milky Way Galaxy recently released by NASA’s James Webb Space ...
Subaru Telescope has been developing a wide-field multi-object spectrograph under international collaboration scheduled to start observations around 2020. Up to 2400 astronomical objects inside 1.3 ...
Hyper Suprime-Cam (HSC) is a gigantic digital camera for the 8.2 m Subaru Telescope which was developed by National Astronomical Observatory of Japan in collaboration with international academic and ...
InfraRed Doppler (IRD), which experienced the first light in 2018, is an infrared instrument used in the search for exoplanets (extrasolar planets). IRD is specialized for finding exoplanets with the ...
This project is supported by "Project to Promote Large Scientific Frontiers" of MEXT.
このプロジェクトは 文部科学省 大規模学術フロンティア促進事業の支援を受けています。
S04A-SP-06 Motohide Tamura Young Brown Dwarfs (YBD) Search in the Core of W3 Main Star Forming Region CISCO S04A-SP-09 Koji Mori A Near-Infrared (NIR) and X-ray Monitoring Campaign of "moving wisps" ...
国立天文台は、世界最先端の観測施設を擁する日本の天文学のナショナルセンターです。大学共同利用機関として全国の研究者の共同利用を進めるとともに、共同研究を含む観測・研究・開発を広く推進し、天文学および関連分野の発展のために活動してい ...
Latitude: +19° 49' 32'' N (NAD83) Longitude: 155° 28' 34'' W (NAD83) Altitude: 4139 m (Elevation axis is at 4163 m) Mounting: altitude-azimuth (Alt-Az) ...
Survey observations using the Subaru Telescope's ultra-widefield prime focus camera have revealed that there may be a population of small bodies further out in the Kuiper Belt waiting to be discovered ...
COMICS is a mid-infrared camera and spectrograph, which can detect, for example, warm dust that emits strong radiation in space and that cannot be seen in optical wavelengths. The thin, dry air of ...