Is he hot or ice cold? We will never know. Tired of holiday movie recommendations? Good, because I’m here with Netflix warnings. Save your precious wrapping-paper multitasking time for better things.
We are an independent media startup dedicated to promoting the people, the land, and the economy of this proud and fascinating region. Our mission is to ensure that local knowledge, local events, ...
We are an independent media startup dedicated to promoting the people, the land, and the economy of this proud and fascinating region. Our mission is to ensure that local knowledge, local events, ...
Sport fishers and scientists are launching a bid to improve salmon survival by changing recommended catch-and-release techniques. The Sport Fishing Institute (SFI) is “fully on board” with 15 new ...
This spill is approximately eight times larger in volume than the 2017 Cermaq spill at Echo Bay. Photo credit: Ministry of Environment and Parks A fish farm operated by Norwegian aquaculture company ...
BC Ferries is expanding its route to cover round trips for medical purposes from Metlakatla, Oona River, Kitkatla, Hartley Bay, Tuck Inlet, and Dodge Cove to Prince Rupert. Photo credit: Scott Arkell ...
Prince Rupert cemetery remains, but there are no local funeral homes to make arrangements for burials here.Radha Agarwal/The Northern View Radha Agarwal, Local Journalism Initiative The Northern View ...