Aged Care Insite encourages editorial submissions from people involved directly in the nursing and healthcare sector, as well as those working in fields that intersect or impact it. Submissions can ...
Liz Fuggle and Nick Seemann were part of the team that wrote the National Aged Care Design Principles and Guidelines. Picture: Supplied. Over the course of our careers as architects there have been ...
The Hon Mark Butler MP - Minister for Health & Aged Care, announced the government's Dementia Plan this week. Picture: NCA NewsWire/Roy VanDerVegt The Albanese government has released its National ...
Studies find electric fans are not effective for lowering core body temperature in dry heat. Although the winter months may typically be associated with heightened health risks for older adults, ...
As we celebrate the 'most wonderful time of the year' it is important to remember that many people within the community, particularly older Australians, may need a little extra help to feel merry and ...
Researchers are calling for nurses to have more say in the digital transformation of aged and palliative care, as the sector reports a higher associated administrative burden. A recently published ...
In a bid to keep up with the rising cost of living, the Albanese government has announced a $37 million boost for older Australians receiving home care services to be able to afford nutritious meals.
The Albanese government has released the details of a plan to ensure Australians are able to pay for essentials with cash should they choose to. Treasurer Jim Chalmers announced this week that the ...
Following Covid-19, Uniting NSW.ACT faced a combination of headwinds within the aged care sector that had the potential to impact on its ability to grow sustainably, while continuing to meet the high ...
Experts are warning the community to stay vigilant about Covid-19 this upcoming holiday season, with a new survey revealing 91 per cent of Australians plan to travel, attend events and visit loved ...
Australians face the brutal reality of going through their entire working life unable to afford a home and subsequently ending up in poverty when they retire, a new report has found. The Australia ...
Over the course of our careers as architects there have been moments that stand out. An incontinent resident able to independently use a toilet when it was made easier to find. A man happily making ...