Khurram Ali Shafiq's book "" awarded Rs. 5 Lacs and Gold Medal for best Urdu book written on Iqbal. Lahore: Iqbal Academy Pakistan has announced the Presidential Iqbal Award for the best Urdu book ...
The light of the separation’s day is darker than night “As from his departure’s breast the scar is picked up Sight is asleep in my eyes like the extinguished candle.” ...
Few religious thinkers have met the challenges of modernity as successfully as Allama Muhammad Iqbal. I address his thoughts today both to honour the genius who is honoured by my close Muslim ...
Your eyes are fixed on miracles that amaze, But world of events strange attracts my gaze.
The exigency of life in all is maintained by you ...
O zephyr! Convey my message to the one wrapped ...
The twilight’s eye is raining blood for the evening star ...
Iqbal’s Idealist Critique Of Hawking’s Materialist Concept of Time Asad Shahzad Abstract Hawking’s materialist and sectional concept of time has been assessed by Iqbal’s concept of real time. A ...
IQBAL DAY IN CAIRO THE U. A. R. Supreme Council for Art and Literature, Cairo, organised an elaborate function on the occasion of Iqbal Day. Dr. Mohammad Abdul Kadir Hatem, Deputy Prime Minister for ...
We should lift our dearest chattel from the China’ s temple ...
If Thou art the assembly, I am the assembly’s splendour If Thou art the Beauty’s thunder, I am the produce of Love ...
May she, ah God, make me of all the rest her choice, Raise me from low degree to wake the sunflower’s wrath!