气候变化不仅导致夏季变暖和天气变化无常,还会导致海平面上升,这对全球沿海城市来说是一个特别现实和迫切的威胁。由于冰盖融化和暖水膨胀,海平面上升使许多城市面临危险。以下是到 12 年可能被淹没的 2030 个城市。 迈阿密是美国最脆弱的城市之一。
海狸是一种迷人的水生哺乳动物,分布于世界许多地方。在北美,它是大型啮齿动物之一,也是在塑造湿地生态系统方面发挥重要作用的关键物种。 海狸通过建造复杂的水坝和小屋展示了它们令人印象深刻的工程技能。它们也是出色的游泳者,可以在水下停留 ...
Kasuarissen zijn grote, loopvogels afkomstig uit Australië en Nieuw-Guinea. Je kent ze waarschijnlijk vanwege hun opvallende uiterlijk en krachtige poten, waardoor ze bijna prehistorisch lijken.
When feeding our furry friends, knowing what is safe and what could potentially harm them is crucial. Dogs have different digestive systems than humans, and some foods that are perfectly safe for us ...
Manatees (Trichechus), also known as sea cows, are gentle marine mammals that inhabit the waters of Florida, particularly in the warm springs of Crystal River and Blue Spring State Park. People often ...
The world’s largest snake has recently been discovered in the Amazon rainforest. This new species of northern green anaconda (Eunectes akiyama) differs by as much as 5.5 percent from the southern ...
Soon you will be an expert on rat poop. Let’s go! Are you ready for some truly gross but important information? Do you know what might be lurking in the corners of your home, ready to spread disease ...
In a world filled with endless distractions, we often forget that our dogs—our faithful companions—crave the simple pleasures. To keep a dog happy isn’t complicated, but it does require attention, ...
Joey, an albino grizzly bear, has been dubbed the “unluckiest bear in the world” due to a series of unfortunate events caused by his unique appearance. His snowy-white fur, a result of albinism, led ...
A wildlife trap-camera amazingly captured rare footage of a black bear that attacks a piglet. Brown bear in water. Image by xtrekx via Depositphotos In the wild terrains of California, a rare and ...