Climate and agricultural data have never been more important in terms of helping people to anticipate climate hazards and to ...
Le dérèglement climatique expose fortement les forêts aux sécheresses et canicules, ce qui conduit à un affaiblissement des ...
Le programme PACTE, centré sur cinq gouvernorats de Tunisie (Bizerte, Kairouan, Le Kef, Sidi Bouzid et Siliana) a pour ambition d’améliorer la gouvernance des ressources naturelles et de renforcer ...
La 29ème conférence annuelle de l'ONU sur le climat aura lieu à Bakou, en Azerbaïdjan, du 11 au 22 novembre 2024. Avec la participation du Cirad.
Why not get off the beaten track in order to overcome environmental and food crises better? This is what this collective work ...
Launched in 2018 as part of a programme led by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the RTBfoods project aims to identify and ...
CIRAD launched the first platforms in partnership for research and training. There are now 20. Among others, these ...
Dans l’ensemble de la région Afrique australe et Madagascar, les interactions entre le milieu naturel et le milieu agricole posent des questions multiples abordées de manière pluridisciplinaire par ...
The 29th annual UN Climate Change Conference will be held in Baku, Azerbaijan, from 11 to 22 November 2024. With CIRAD's participation.
In a book to be published by éditions Quae on 3 October, Michel Barel and Christophe Montagnon take us on a trip across time ...
This event aims to share the lessons learned in the implementation of DeSIRA projects. With CIRAD's participation. The conference will be held from 2 to 3 October 2024 in N'Djamena, Chad. The event is ...
Montpellier, France 14 October 2024 - 17 October 2024 23rd European Society for Vector Ecology Conference The 23rd European Society for Vector Ecology Conference is being organized by the Vectopole ...