CEL’s innovative Kangaroo Mother Care (KMC) approach is transforming neonatal care in Uttar Pradesh, India, saving lives and improving health outcomes for newborns — Toronto, Canada, December 16, 2024 ...
Kybele, a GCC-supported innovation that aims to make childbirth safe and supported for every woman and newborn,  has been honoured with the Ghana Health Service (GHS) Excellence Award for its ...
As we step into 2025, we reflect on the highlights of 2024, revisiting impactful milestones and meaningful moments. We extend our sincere thanks to our dedicated partners, advisors, and team for their ...
By Anushree Banerji, Portfolio Manager Earlier this fall, I joined our ecosystem partner, Insight Health Advisors (IHA), in Kisumu, Kenya, for the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with ...
— L’approche innovante de la méthode mère kangourou (KMC) de CEL transforme les soins néonatals dans l’Uttar Pradesh, en Inde, sauvant des vies et améliorant les résultats de santé des nouveau-nés — T ...
À l’aube de 2025, nous nous penchons sur les faits marquants de 2024, en repensant aux étapes importantes que nous avons franchies et aux moments significatifs. Nous remercions sincèrement nos partena ...
Dakar, Senegal (December 3, 2024) — We are proud to announce the groundbreaking new innovations selected in Grand Challenges Senegal’s first two funding calls. The selected projects address epidemic ...
As part of our efforts to mark the 16 Days of Activism to End Gender-Based Violence, last week we screened The Girls of Meru, a documentary that follows the team of the 160 Girls Project, led by the ...