Every family approaches college with differing financial needs. Hiram College realizes no two families are alike and is committed to helping students find the resources they need to pay for college.
Note: The College is closed from December 21, 2024, through January 5, 2025, for the Holiday Break. The Disability Services office will respond to your requests when they return on Monday, January 6, ...
Hiram College educates future nurses to be compassionate caregivers who are clinically competent, ethically grounded, and socially and culturally responsible. Students within our Bachelor of Science ...
Students who enjoy the hands-on application of computers are naturally drawn to our applied computer science degree. Hiram’s program is designed for students who wish to enter careers in information ...
As an international student, you will bring a global perspective and unique approach to learning that will enrich Hiram with an even more diverse and engaging cultural perspective. The Office of ...
Interested in preparing for an accounting career while learning to contribute to the world in a meaningful way? Explore the popular, career-focused Accounting and Financial Management major, which ...
The Garfield Center for Public Leadership prepares students to assume the responsibilities of public leadership by developing expertise in matters of public policy, foreign and domestic, grounded in ...
Alumni of the GCPL have pursued careers pertaining to campaigns and elections for public officials, they have obtained jobs in government agencies (the Department of Transportation, the Department of ...