It is your responsibility to ensure that you have the correct visa to study at the University of Huddersfield. In order to maintain your immigration rights in the UK you must continue at all times to ...
Join us for an exciting live event designed exclusively for prospective international students! Experience engaging presentations from our International Office, award-winning academics with current ...
The Progression Module is a structured off-the-shelf HE and employment preparation programme for all sixth form and college students. As part of the Module students will participate in a range of ...
The Immigration & Compliance Team is based in the International Office and provides a comprehensive visa advice service, offering guidance to current and prospective international students as well as ...
Doctor of Laws (LLD). Doctor of Letters (DLitt). Doctor of Music (DMus). Doctor of Science (DSc). A1.2.2 Candidates are required to state the Higher Doctorate for which they wish their work to be ...
The following regulations govern the specific rules for the award of Doctor of Philosophy and Doctor of Enterprise. They should be read in conjunction with the General Regulations Governing all ...
The National Health Innovation Campus is a transformative project for the people of the region. It will improve health outcomes and lead innovation in healthcare for the North of England, the UK and ...
Bass drum kicks and beats using a Yamaha recording custom 22inch. You can learn to produce music and create your own samples at the University of Huddersfield. We have a number of courses dedicated to ...
The School of Arts and Humanities offers a dynamic and progressive approach to a range of subject areas including art, design, architecture, music, humanities, media and filmmaking in an environment ...
Oscar-winning costume designer Jenny Beavan OBE was thrilled with her honorary doctorate from the University of Huddersfield as she joined hundreds of students to celebrate Graduation Week on campus.