What is NCC doing to help protect this habitat? The Nature Conservancy of Canada has conserved many projects with montane forests, including projects in the Castle-Crowsnest Watershed Natural Area.
The Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC), a not-for-profit conservation organization, welcomes the contribution of nearly $1 million from the Ministère du Développement durable, de l’Environnement et de ...
Encompassing the lands immediately to the west of the Canadian Rocky Mountains, this iconic area is a mix of wild spaces and human communities. With expansive valleys, rugged mountains and an abundant ...
Phragmites (or common reed) is a non-native, invasive reed from Eurasia, and it is quickly spreading throughout North America. Found mostly in wetlands, this towering plant takes over moist areas, ...
Located along the Elk River near Fernie, BC, the Morrissey Meadows Conservation Area is nestled within a network of wetlands, streamside and woodland habitats. The variety of landscapes and diversity ...
The Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) works hard to ensure the best value for our supporters' dollars.
What does the snowy owl look like? One of Canada’s most recognizable owls due to its snowy-white plumage, the aptly named snowy owl is an enduring symbol of Canada’s North. Surprisingly, unlike most ...
The emerald ash borer (EAB) is a green beetle that was first discovered in North America in 2002. It is native to Asia and is a threat to the entire North American Fraxinus genus, commonly known as ...
Worldwide conservation efforts depend on the next generation of conservation leaders. As a Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) conservation intern, you’ll build a diverse skill set and gain practical ...
The Nature Conservancy of Canada's staff, board members and volunteers are all passionate about our mission to protect the best of Canada's natural legacy. We work in every province in Canada. We have ...
Quite possibly the most familiar bird species to Canadians, Canada geese roam around parks, lakes and wetlands in the spring and summer. But there are many things that you might not know about this ...
NCC’s Buffalo Pound property consists of 866 hectares (2,140 acres) of native grasslands and seven kilometres of shoreline along the north shore of Buffalo Pound Lake. These grasslands help filter the ...