Strong Turkish flock guard adapted to outdoor life in all weathers The breed has only been recently recognised in the UK and was previously included as an Anatolian Shepherd Dog, but the standard for ...
The Cirneco (Cheer-nay-ko) originated in Sicily and was a favoured hound for hunting rabbits in the area near Mount Etna. It is an athletic hunting dog using scent, sight and hearing. He probably ...
A pedigree dog is one that has parents which are both of the same breed. These parents must be registered with The Kennel Club or with another club or society recognised by us. Purebred dogs make up ...
The Kennel Club Board shall maintain a number of separate registers including: a. The Breed Register for each purebred dog of a breed that has been accorded full recognition by The Kennel Club. In ...
A breed standard is the guideline which describes the ideal characteristics, temperament and appearance including the correct colour of a breed and ensures that the breed is fit for function. Absolute ...
The elegant outline of the Ibizan with its large ears can be seen in the drawings on Ancient Egyptian tombs. He is the rabbit hunter of Ibiza (Podenco Ibicenco) and has been seen in Ibiza and the ...
Edward Laverack is credited with the foundation stock of the modern English Setter. In 1825, he bought his first two Setters, both of them blue belton in colour, from an estate where they had been ...
This is the ancient sled dog of the Canadian Arctic regions, a powerful dog of spitz features which possesses strength and stamina, and is built for long distance work rather than speed. The ...
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The Swedish Vallhund bears a passing resemblance to the Welsh Corgi and breeders dispute the relationship, if any, between the breeds. Whilst some Corgi breeders claim that Viking raiders took some of ...
The Kennel Club publishes information on registrations of dog breeds received in the UK. This information is also published within the Breed Records Supplement.