这是一个共享的艺术专栏空间,由豪威克历史博物馆(Howick Historical Museum)负责管理。 村、Te Tuhi 和 Uxbridge 艺术与文化。 Thursday, 3 October: Uxbridge School Holiday Kid’s Film: Peter Rabbit. 11am, Uxbridge Theatre, $5. Friday, 4 October: ...
Most people in east Auckland would empathise that it’s sad to see what’s happened to Pakuranga Plaza. A once thriving shopping centre where the community used to buy their consumer goods and ...
Get creative and learn how to transform your eyes using your cheek palette. This method ties your cheeks and eyes together beautifully for an effortless look. Bonita Artistry loves to empower you with ...
饥肠辘辘的青少年、零食狂和麦片爱好者将大饱口福。Weet-Bix 有史以来第一次推出巧克力味麦片 Weet-Bix Bites Coco Crunch。 美味又营养,一口大小的零食融合了两个世界的精华--全家人都会喜欢的巧克力口味,以及新西兰人熟知并喜爱的 Weet-Bix 值得信赖的营养成分 ...
Building works around the fuel station and vape shop on Pakuranga Road has been detrimental to the owner-operator’s financial position. Times photo PJ Taylor An east Auckland business owner surrounded ...
又发生了。 豪维克芬奇沃克公园(Howick's Fencible Walk Park)安装了一块牌匾,以取代三月份在同一地点被盗的一块铜牌。
What began as a small shed stored behind a post office in 1949 has evolved into one of New Zealand’s most respected and successful yacht clubs. Bucklands Beach Yacht Club (BBYC) is this year ...
Nestled in one of east Auckland’s most popular coastal areas of Bucklands Beach, Zab’rone is redefining the local dining scene with its versatile menu and inviting atmosphere. Open Tuesday through ...
Stewart Surveying 总监邓肯-斯图尔特(Duncan Stewart)自 13 岁起就居住在奥克兰东部,中间有 8 年时间在澳大利亚和陶波工作。 他来自新普利茅斯,2013 年回到奥克兰。 他的测量职业生涯长达 28 年之久,曾在澳大利亚一家大型建筑测量公司担任新南威尔士州经理,在 ...
In the UK, the prospects for growing old centred on what were known as ‘Old Folks Homes’. These were generally sprawling old buildings no longer fit for their original purpose – quite often former ...
做生意,第一印象很重要。 如果你把自己的企业看作一个人,有特定的性格、发型和着装风格,它会是什么样子,会是谁呢? 如果你的企业 "人 "出现在一个活动中,袜子不匹配、头发凌乱、衣服不合身、说话不清楚,你会立即在脑海中形成一个刻板印象,不管 ...
The theft of two plaques installed at an east Auckland beach to honour the memory of three young drowning victims has sparked outrage in the local community. The two plaques were attached to a large ...