When you hand in an application to the police or embassy, there are a number of supporting documents you need to include. UDI has made checklists available for the various application types to help ...
It is important that you apply for 2 or more entries when applying for your visa. This is required because Svalbard is not part of the Schengen area even though Svalbard is part of Norway. If you ...
Søkeren er personen som ønsker å søke om beskyttelse (asyl) i Norge. Søke om kollektiv beskyttelse for ukrainere i Norge Ukrainske flyktninger får midlertidig kollektiv beskyttelse i Norge. Her finner ...
Different rules apply regarding eligibility for Norwegian citizenship for people with residence permits in Norway, people with residence cards for family members of EU/EEA nationals, Nordic nationals ...
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My page
Information and answers to common questions about My page. What can I find on My page? Who is My page made for? Can I use My page for someone other than myself?
Some people can visit Norway without a visa, but most people from countries outside the EU/EEA must apply for a visitor visa.
Overføringsflyktning er personer som vanligvis er registrert som flyktninger hos UNHCR, men som ikke kan tilbys en varig løsning i det landet de befinner seg og som derfor presenteres for overføring ...
In order for you to be granted a residence permit for work purposes in Norway, the pay and working conditions must not be poorer than is normal in Norway. If you are to work in an industry in which a ...
If you are an EU/EEA national who are going to study and live in Norway for more than three months, you have to register. Read more about how to register. If you need an answer from us, you must call ...
In our annual tables you can find fact and figures for migration. Please note that some are in Norwegian only.
If you are a Swedish, Danish, Icelandic or Finnish citizen, all you need to do to live in Norway, is to report a move to the National Registry. A Nordic citizen is defined as a person with Danish, ...
The Dublin Regulation is an agreement between the EU countries, Iceland, Switzerland, Liechtenstein and Norway. Each asylum seeker shall only have his or her application considered in one of the ...