Although this is the shortest crossing point to Skye, it can also be a daunting place because of the tidal flow funneling between Skye and the mainland. The 1878 Edition of the Royal Tourist Handbook ...
The twin villages of Town Yetholm and Kirk Yetholm lie either side of the valley of the Bowmont Water and about a quarter of a mile apart. To their east the land rises towards the Cheviots, while the ...
Lunna Kirk is a lovely church. Located at Lunna, where Lunna Ness is almost made an island by East and West Lunna Voes, Lunna Kirk probably dates back at least in part to the 1100s and is by far the ...
The gaunt ruins of Castle Tioram stand on the tidal island of Eilean Tioram near the point at which the River Shiel flows into Loch Moidart. It is reached along a little over two miles of narrow and ...
The traveller on the A915, the road that runs along this part of Fife's south coast, can find it easy to overlook Lower Largo. Coming from the west you pass through Lundin Links, a Victorian ...
It's been said that the mood of the Scottish landscape depends on the weather more than anywhere else on Earth. And Rannoch Moor is probably the most extreme example of that. Imagine a triangular area ...
The old coast road from Arisaig north to Morar is one of the most memorable in Scotland. This isn't because of its twists and turns and narrow single track stretches. No, what makes it truly memorable ...
As you pass along the A858 in Western Lewis near the township of Shawbost (Siabost) watch out for a brown tourist sign pointing west towards a Norse Mill. From the small car park, a well made path ...
In 1914 the Royal Navy's Grand Fleet moved to a new base in Scapa Flow. They needed somewhere suitable to take on a German Fleet based in the Baltic and this atoll-like stretch of water, one of the ...
In his wonderful book A Dance Called America James Hunter says: "There are few more scenically spectacular journeys to be made in Britain than the one that takes you from the Great Glen through Glen ...
Blair Castle is the ancient seat of the Dukes and Earls of Atholl and holds an important place in Scotland's history. Strategically located in the Strath of Garry, whoever held Blair Castle was ...
Standing at the east end of Cathedral Street in Glasgow, and not far from where Castle Street becomes High Street is Glasgow Cathedral. One of the few Scottish medieval churches to have survived the ...