Some helpful resources have been put together for our members to help you in running CEDARS at your institution. Check out the how to guide to get you started with running CEDARS, take a look at the ...
Be prepared to answer the sort of questions in this list (which will be tailored to your research area) in addition to general interview questions. It is a good idea to prepare and even rehearse your ...
Your ‘statement of research interests’ contains a proposal for future academic research and shows how that builds on your current expertise and achievements. It forms the basis for discussions and ...
The Vitae Researcher Development Framework (RDF) was developed to describe the knowledge, behaviours and attributes of successful researchers and to enable the development of associated professional ...
Toolkits to enable managers to support the development and progression of early career researchers Toolkits for developing and sustaining researcher networks Planning ...
Finding academic jobs to apply for has never been easier, using all the websites listed below. But don’t forget the power of your own network.
Setting up and achieving a constructive supervisory relationship.
For more advice, have a look at How to survive your viva by Rowena Murray (ISBN 0-335-21284-0) or The Doctoral Examination Process: A handbook for students, examiners and supervisors by Penny Tinkler ...
Many people aspire to an academic career after they complete their doctorate and/or work as a member of research staff. This is highly competitive as only a small percentage of doctoral graduates and ...
Practical advice and tips tailored to researchers on topics chosen to support professional development. Each booklet includes advice and suggested exercises to work through. ‘These booklets make a ...
Be inspired by over 150 narratives from individual researchers - offering an insight into the lives and career decisions of contributors. Where are they now? Ten years on, we've caught up with several ...
The UK Research Staff Association (UKRSA), in association with Vitae, aims to provide a collective voice for research staff across the UK, through building researcher communities and influencing ...