Three of the four motions submitted by CLPs were good and in line with the motions pushed through many CLPs by Labour Left Internationalists and other internationalists since October 2023: immediate ...
With the fallout from the recent cyber attack continuing to impact the job, a number of "password reset hubs" have been set up. Several of these have reported massive queues, with workmates waiting ...
After teaching teenagers drama and English for thirty years, Sarah Pritchard is now an eco-psychotherapist, working with the vulnerable and encouraging autonomy through creativity. Her own sanity ...
Labour’s election victory in the summer of 2024 was not built off mass enthusiasm. Only 33.7% of the voting public backed the party, and on a low turnout. Labour got half a million fewer votes than it ...
We have no big money backers. We rely on sales and donations to keep us going. If you appreciate the socialist analysis and debate on this website please consider donating to our £15,000 fund appeal.
On 5 September France's President Emmanuel Macron at last appointed Michel Barnier as the new prime minister following the snap legislative assembly elections on 30 June and 7 July. The elections ...
Part 1: Under the Banner of Marxism, by Max Shachtman. This, the main text in this book, Under the Banner of Marxism, was a reply by Max Shachtman in 1949 to a document by a hitherto prominent comrade ...
Elaine Jones is an Eating Disorders Therapist in the NHS, Executive member of the public sector union UNISON, and member of Workers' Liberty. The election of a Labour Government should mean an end to ...
Until last year, the UNISON branch at Lewisham Council was notoriously inactive. Despite cuts of £173m over the course of the 2010s, the branch – by far the largest union at the Council – had barely ...
Lizzy Brooks reviews Mary Manning and Sinead O’Brien, Striking Back: The Untold Story of an Anti-Apartheid Striker (Gill, 2017). On 19 July 1984, Mary Manning, a 21-year-old member of the Irish ...
Kelly Rogers spoke to Max O’Hara and Sacha Marten, Executive Committee members of Pride in Labour. When Health Secretary Wes Streeting announced that Labour would continue the Tories’ blanket ban on ...
I doubt that many people have visited or even heard of Birkenhead unless they're a fan of Half Man Half Biscuit, but it has a proud history built around the Cammell Laird shipyard, which in 1950 ...