Synopsis: The film focuses on Mufasa’s (voiced by Pierre) childhood and the origins of the Pride Lands. As a young and lost cub, Mufasa meets the sympathetic lion Taka (voiced by Harrison). Together, ...
I do not ask you to like Graham Phillips, or even to sympathise with him. But you shouldn't approve of what our Government is ...
When a volcanic eruption shook the world in 1815, it left behind more than just ash and lava. Here are some iconic world ...
Denis Villeneuve on why cell phones are “forbidden” on his sets - he sees them as distractions for the cast and crew, and wants them to be fully engaged.
The PS5 can also play games from the PS4 generation, and enhance the experience with improved frame rates and resolutions.
Here is how much players in the NFL have been fined for using the same finger gun gesture which Beyoncé used during her ...
Elon Musk, who once had an H‑1B visa, said it’s important to seek the best talent wherever it is. Vivek Ramaswamy says 90s ...
Dune director Denis Villeneuve explains why he bans cell phones on his movie set as he finds technology extremely addictive. Find details inside.
Haelarcher Farmhouse Bed and Breakfast is set in the heart of Lizard Village at the most southerly point in the UK. For some time, Mike and Caroline had been looking into glamping options to offer ...
"When you say cut, you don’t want someone going to his phone to look at his Facebook account," the Oscar-nominated director ...
How can you watch SYFY's Twilight Zone marathon for New Year's 2024/25? SYFY's The Twilight Zone marathon begins next Tuesday ...