当地时间9月22日,英国凯特王妃和丈夫威廉王子一起,同国王查理三世和王后卡米拉前往苏格兰巴尔莫勒尔宫附近的教堂。 据英媒报道,她看起来 ...
对瑞士人来说,威廉•泰尔是他们的民族英雄,是争取自由和独立的象征。 但是威廉•泰尔到底是谁呢?传说中他来自乌里州的一个名叫比格尔的小 ...
北京时间 9 月 3 日,希腊足球超级联赛老牌豪门球队奥林匹亚科斯传来官方消息,球队成功签约 36 岁的巴西老将威廉。双方此次签约为期一年。
Shakespeare is England’s most celebrated dramatist and poet. His works have been translated into 80 languages, including Star Trek’s Klingon. He helped shape the English we use today ...
The Prince of Wales has issued an urgent call to end the destruction of the environment. The Duke and Duchess of Sussex are not funded by the Royal Family and have various commercial deals. The ...
Family Weekend features events and special programs designed to showcase life at William & Mary. Learn about world-class faculty and their work both in and out of the classroom, experience special ...