01 我时常在想,人为什么要自杀? 世界卫生组织报道:全球每年超过80万人自杀。也就是说,平均每过40秒,就有一个人选择结束自己的生命。 2003年,哥哥张国荣也以这样的方式选择了离开。 据媒体报道,哥哥酒店留下的遗书中,第一个词就是“ ...
抑郁症或焦虑症在开始药物治疗时 ... Comparing effects on mental and physical health in patients with depression and anxiety disorders.Journal of Affective Disorders, doi: 10. ...
*仅供医学专业人士阅读参考咱就是说,小胶质细胞又跑来“作妖”了。这不,近期,东南大学张志珺/孔岩团队发表了一项重要研究成果。他们首次证实,小胶质细胞来源的维生素D结合蛋白(VDBP),会在慢性不可预测轻度应激(CUMS)易感小鼠的核心情绪相关脑区高度 ...
Depression can be treated but the first step is determining whether symptoms are present. This test could help. Using the key below, answer the questions based on how strongly you agree or ...
A new study has identified a causal relationship between depression and dysmenorrhea using Mendelian randomisation to analyse both European and East Asian populations. Sleeplessness was identified ...
自杀未遂、有心慌、手抖、幻听等躯体化症状、进食障碍.....留学生得抑郁只是“富贵病”、“抗压能力差”?孤独无助、原生家庭问题、找工作 ...
近日,上海交通大学公共卫生学院钟文泽课题组在国际精神病学知名期刊Journal of Affective Disorders发表题为 “Trends in prevalence and multimorbidity of metabolic, cardiovascular, and chronic kidney diseases among US adults with depression ...