盖茨在他的博客上发表了一篇题为《让你在节日期间感受温暖的好书》(Books to keep you warm this holiday season)的文章,其中提到:“这四本书或多或少都涉及如何了解周围的世界。” 虽然这份书单主要涉及科技进步及其对社会的影响,但盖茨首先推荐的是作家多丽丝•卡恩斯•古德温的个人传记《未完成的爱情故事》(An Unfinished Love Story)。
有分析认为,这份法案的出台,反映了美国对自身实力的深度焦虑。请问发言人对此有何评价 ... to the US national security. Some analysts suggest that the introduction of this Act reflexes the deep anxiety of the US about its own strengths. May I ...
有分析认为,这份法案的出台,反映了美国对自身实力的深度焦虑。请问发言人对此有何评价 ... to US national security. Some analysts suggest that the introduction of this Act reflexes the deep anxiety of the US about its own strengths. May I have ...