The death toll from intensive Israeli airstrikes on southern and eastern Lebanon since Monday reached 558, including 50 ...
BEIJING, Sept. 20 (Xinhua) -- An array of tax data on innovation, digital economy and high-end manufacturing reflects China's achievements in high-quality development in the first eight months of the ...
The Lebanese sources said that about 50 Katyusha rockets were launched from southern Lebanon into northern Israel. The ...
The Greater Bay Area has witnessed countless "Hengqin Miracles". In the in-depth cooperation zone, a more integrated and inclusive lifestyle has been made possible. Yet there's more to expect from ...
近期在英美等地兴起了一场“逆天改命”的健康行动,英文是ITLC(Intensive Therapeutic Lifestyle Change),直译过来就是强化治疗性生活方式改变。 调整生活方式,不仅能显著改善健康状况,还能逆转慢性疾病!这就是ITLC计划的魅力所在。现在,让我们来揭开ITLC的 ...
2023年11月16日,重庆医科大学附属第一医院重症医学科的Yuanli Li(第一作者) & 护理部的Keping Yu(通讯作者) & 心血管外科的Ya Li(通讯作者)在International Wound Journal(中科院三区 IF=2.6)刊上在线发表题为"Effects of evidence-based nursing in preventing pressure ...
军事演习作为一种混合军事行动和外交表态的政治动作,中国与俄罗斯正通过越来越频繁的联合军演与海上联合巡航来展现中俄陆权战略联盟对欧美海权联盟的对抗。本月将在日本海、鄂霍次克海举行的“北部·联合-2024”中俄联合军演时机点恰逢日本首相选举与美国总统大选 ...
津巴布韦一些最大的矿商正在寻求1.82亿美元的资金,用于开发200兆瓦的本地太阳能发电项目。目前当地的能源短缺迫使矿工依赖进口电力。该协议由非洲电网公司(Grid Africa)与密集型能源用户组织(Intensive Energy User ...
IT之家8 月 28 日消息,万代南梦宫动作角色游戏《刀剑神域碎梦边境》将于 10 月 3 日登陆 PS5、Xbox Series X|S、Switch 和 PC 平台。官方宣布该游戏将于 9 月 21 日~23 日开启网络测试,支持跨平台玩家联机游玩。 IT之家此前报道,万代南梦宫动作角色《刀剑神域碎梦 ...