From that, we now call it the zodiac. The sun’s motion through the zodiacal (pronounced zo-dye-a-kul) constellations produces a calendar of sorts; our star is superposed on Pisces in late March ...
Certain zodiac signs find Friday the 13th empowering rather than ominous. Scorpios experience heightened intuition and a sense of destiny. Capricorns leverage the day's energy for achievement ...
But for certain members of the zodiac, Friday the 13th is practically a holiday. Instead of looking over their shoulder or bracing for a bit of bad luck, many zodiac signs thrive on Friday the 13th.
Let's dive into the lore of this upcoming Friday, the 13th, and what you can expect based on your zodiac sign. Venus, the planet of love, rules over Friday the 13th. Therefore, love, beauty ...
Aligned with Venus and the 13 lunar cycles, it offers a chance for introspection and new beginnings. Each zodiac sign can harness this energy with specific rituals, from physical activity for ...