搜狐娱乐讯 近日,据外国多家媒体报道,美国乐队My Chemical Romance“我的另类罗曼史”(又名我的化学浪漫)前鼓手Bob Bryar被发现于家中去世,因长期无人上门,遗体已经严重腐烂,被两只狗狗啃食,面目全非,终年44岁。警方正在调查其死因,因家中的武器和 ...
这部电影可以说是将玛丽亚·凯莉的《All I Want For Christmas is You》推向文化顶峰的功臣。理查德·柯蒂斯的这部伦敦群像剧甜到发腻,以至于人们很容易忘记,每一个欢乐的瞬间背后都伴随着一些注定要进“淘气名单”的角色。
24日(当地时间)Billboard公布了最新排行榜(12月14日版),ENHYPEN凭借正规二辑《ROMANCE:UNTOLD》在Billboard 200中排名第169位,与前一周相比上升了4个名次。
本文来自微信公众号:果壳 (ID:Guokr42),作者:Margaret,编辑:李小葵,题图来自:AI生成 ...
For locals in Shanghai, the New Year's Day climb at the iconic Oriental Pearl Tower is more than just a race – it's a ...
The main event of the night will be British boxer Ellie Bouttell, signed to Shanghai’s own M23 Boxing Club, as she fights for ...
Brand new on the scene, Shanghai's first Middle East / Tapas Fusion restaurant Andalusia has the above Middle ...
The story, based on Matteo Strukul's historical novel "Giacomo Casanova- La sonata dei cuori infranti," takes a fresh look at the iconic figure. Casanova returns to Venice from exile at the age of 35, ...
There is nothing better than soaking in a hot spring on such a cold day. Today, SilkRoadPost will recommend a list of hot ...
交友约会公司HK Romance Dating Limited (HKRD)公布,香港情侣於今年圣诞消费意欲及模式的调查,发现约六成男女料整体消费较去年增加,有42%男士及29%女士指海外及国内旅游食宿玩乐开支大。
逼哭李行亮,麦琳为什么一定要控制他,夫妻,婚姻,家庭,情感 ...