中新网北京5月16日电 (记者 孙自法)全球关注的濒危植物类群——被誉为“生命之树”的猴面包树属(Adansonia)有着怎样的多样性演化历史?中国科学家 ...
5. 猴面包树(Adansonia):猴面包树是一种长寿树,可以活上数百年。它的特点是有非常粗壮的树干,可以达到10-11米的直径,树干上会有许多皱纹状 ...
THE history of cultivated plants is a subject which has attracted many botanists, and numerous theories of their origin from one or more wild prototypes have been published. Until recently the ...
Seuss book. How did they get these strange names? The largest and most striking tree in the Flower Dome, the African Baobab (Adansonia digitata), also known as the Upside Down Tree, is one of ...
To that end, her team has identified an extract from the baobab tree (Adansonia digitata) that seems to increase miR-146a levels in older fibroblasts and improves cellular repair and protein ...
Did you know that the Baobab tree is also known as the "Tree of Life"? Well, now you do. This is mainly because of its longevity and immense size. These trees are characterised by their stout ...