12月27日,主题为“文旅融合·传播创新”的CUMTA ...
近日 云南省非物质文化保护中心 公布2023年云南省第二届“非遗伴手礼”入选作品名单 普洱市共有6件(套)作品入选 其中 日用伴手礼3件 (套) 健康伴手礼2件 (套) 食味伴手礼1件 “非遗伴手礼”不只是礼物 更是非遗传承 快来跟随小布一起 挑选你中意的“非遗伴手礼”吧!
Richard Perry, a hitmaking record producer with a flair for both standards and contemporary sounds whose many successes ...
Back for its 11th year, the Rhodes Summit Review will make its return to the Main Stage in Cottonwood, on Thursday, Dec. 26, ...
日前,车质网从相关渠道获悉,小鹏X9将于2025年2月登陆挪威市场。12月20日,小鹏汽车完成了欧洲第10000台新车交付。今年以来,小鹏汽车加快了全球化发展的步伐,先后进入德国、法国、英国等老牌汽车强国,在欧洲的销量获得倍数级增长。 新车采用家族式设计风格,车头配备纯电车型常见的封闭式前格栅,整体感很强。同时,下方配有网状格栅,看起来更具个性。此外,其还搭载了贯穿式LED灯带,点亮后极具辨识度。
Richard Perry, a hitmaking record producer with a flair for both standards and contemporary sounds whose many successes ...
Everyone’s getting into the holiday movie game now, bringing Hallmark competition for must-watch programming over the fall and winter months. But is Hallmark still the reigning champion, or have ...
Joe Troop will unveil new songs from an upcoming concept album "Whirlwind" at a Jan. 3, 2025 concert at Ramble on Big Creek.
The actors break down their characters' surprise new romance, that coup of the Forrester company, fan reaction to the pairing, and whether they can go the distance as a power ...
The typical University of Miami football fan heading to Orlando to see the Hurricanes play Iowa State in the Pop-Tarts Bowl on Dec. 28 will probably ...