Otto Warburg that maintaining an alkaline pH can help prevent disease conditions ... and use the strips only with saliva and urine. Just Fitter is a small family-owned business that is passionate ...
or their urine is more concentrated. Factors like diet, water intake, and general health determine whether or not a dog will leave a spot, not the specific breed of dog. Whether it is a Dalmatian or a ...
Crystal formation occurs when the urine becomes concentrated and forms solid minerals, either acidic or alkaline. This causes the urine to become cloudy in appearance. Various forms of crystals ...
Urine tests measure specific substances in your urine, such as electrolytes, proteins, and bacteria. These tests can reveal a lot about your health, particularly when gradual changes or big jumps ...
Small amounts of protein can appear in your urine and be OK. Above a certain level, however, may indicate proteinuria, which can be a red flag for kidney disease. Proteins are among the most ...
Taking certain vitamin B supplements may cause bright yellow urine. Typically, urine should be pale yellow, clear, and free of particles. Darker urine may indicate dehydration. Urine can be a ...
In our quest to find the best alkaline batteries on the market, we tested several models and brands. Our evaluation included extensive discharge tests to find long-lasting alkaline batteries ...
Expert Rev of Obstet Gynecol. 2012;7(3):269-279. In summary, excess levels of urobilinogen and bilirubin in the urine may signal liver disease, and more research is needed to correlate these ...