U.S.News根据美国求职网站统计的数据,分别列出了10个毕业起薪最高和最低的本科专业,以及该专业薪资最高的大学。快来一起看看吧! 由上面的数据排名可以看到,STEM领域的专业,尤其是 工程类专业的毕业生收入最高 ,同时也是市场需求量最大的。
展台工作人员介绍,TOKUFASTbot基于成熟的电机制造绕线技术,配备了三菱电机独特的高速、高精度定位技术。通过AI色彩识别算法,实现瞬时颜色识别,计算过程更快、更准确。采用三菱电机CC-Link IE ...
The adobe dwellings(土坯房)__61__(build) by the Pueblo Indians of the American Southwest are admired by even __62__ most modern of architects and engineers. In addition to their simple beauty ... even a ...
节卡机器人的JAKA K-1人形机器人在本届工博会面向全球首发首展 。 JAKA K-1采用拟人型构造,集大脑、小脑、双臂、双足、力觉传感器和视觉系统等组件为一体,高1.8米,全身具有29个活动关节(不包含灵巧手),双臂共有14个自由度 ...
China's top 500 enterprises posted steady performance last year with rising revenue and a greater focus on innovation, an industrial ranking report showed Wednesday ... Wang, also an academician of ...
China's vehicle software market is worth more than 65 billion yuan (about 9.2 billion US dollars), accounting for 30 percent ...
节卡机器人的JAKA K-1人形机器人在本届工博会面向全球首发首展 。 JAKA K-1采用拟人型构造,集大脑、小脑、双臂、双足、力觉传感器和视觉系统等组件为一体,高1.8米,全身具有29个活动关节(不包含灵巧手),双臂共有14个自由度 ...
外贸协会为协助我国业者拓展新兴市场,锁定富藏油元及产业发展多元化商机的中东,及制造业兴盛的土耳其,19日邀请22家买主与我国127家业者进行192场次洽谈,採购项目包含石化、钢铁、机械、资通讯、储能、医疗设备、汽车零组件、电子零件、油田及天然气田设备 ...
The World Resources Institute (WRI) Beijing Office is seeking three highly self-motivated students to be research interns for ...
DUBAI, Sept. 16 (China Economic Net) - About 65 kilometers south of downtown Dubai, in the heart of the vast desert, a ...