中国文化源远流长、博大精深,几千年的流传积淀,为后人留下了无数智慧的结晶。 “得知千载上,正赖古人书。”这些浩如烟海的古史典籍、文学名著,即使历经千年,也依然是中国智慧的源头活水,至今都为人们所用。
(ECNS) -- It's time for the Chongyang Festival, a cherished traditional holiday in China. This is also the first autumn that Jess and Rory are spending together in China. The young couple, who current ...
Editor's note: The Chongyang Festival, also known as the Double Ninth Festival, is a traditional Chinese festival to show ...
8月之前,阿雷已经前往运城、临汾和太原,游览隰县小西天、双林寺、镇国寺、北齐壁画博物馆等多地,多次往返山西,阿雷的视频分享里,有对山西古建的震撼和感叹,也有对善良热情的山西人的赞美,他形容自己在山西的心情是“喜悦久久不能平静”,再次回到山西,他说感觉 ...
今天我们探索一个特别重要的汉字——“日”。这个字不仅形象地描绘了太阳的模样,也承载着深厚的文化意义。Today, we're going to explore a very special Chinese character — "日". This ...