阿卜杜勒-麥立克 ibn al-Zubayr)以巴士拉为基地,控制着伊拉克南部。686年8月,乌拜杜拉率6万大军进攻伊拉克,在海济尔战役(英语:Battle of Khazir)中被穆赫塔尔的部将易卜拉欣·本·艾什泰尔(英语:Ibrahim ibn al-Ashtar ...
第一次伊斯兰内战是穆斯林世界第一场大规模内战。第一次伊斯兰内战导致阿里·本·阿比·塔利卜被推翻、正统哈里发时期的终结和奥玛亚哈里发国的建立。 Quick Facts 第一次伊斯兰内战, 日期 ... 不过哈瓦利吉派并不满意战争的仲裁结果,他们宣布阿里·本·阿比 ...
The Jerusalem Post first reported on May 2 that the “Islamic Resistance in Bahrain, Saraya Al-Ashtar” claimed on Thursday it had targeted Israel. The group claimed via pro-Iran media such as ...
Donald Trump was playing golf at his club in Florida when Secret Service agents opened fire on a suspect in the nearby bushes ...
Al-Monitor is an award-winning media outlet covering the Middle East, valued for its independence, diversity and analysis. It is read widely by US, international and Middle East decision makers at the ...
Neural Network,Nonlinear Systems,Pressure Control,Pressure Sensor,Reynolds Number,Storage Tank,Supersonic Wind,Supersonic Wind Tunnel,Test Conditions,Test Section,Wind Tunnel, Dr. Mehrdad Bazazzadeh ...
Saraya Al-Ashtar confirmed on Thursday, “that it targeted the headquarters of the company responsible for land transportation in the occupation entity...in the city of Umm Al-Rashrash ...
Anshey Sfard Rabbi Avigdor Ashtar also walks around with a bottle of arak, the Middle Eastern spirit that tastes like anise, ...
degree in electrical engineering from the Malek-e-Ashtar University of Technology, Shahin Shahr, Iran, in 2009, the M.Sc. degree in electrical engineering from the Malek Ashtar University of ...