Are your arteries blocked? Here are the top 5 signs that may show up in your neck when the heart is at risk. You shouldn't ...
In atherosclerosis, the vascular smooth muscle cell (VSMC) contributes to vessel wall inflammation and lipoprotein retention, as well as to the formation of the fibrous cap that provides stability ...
The deposition of this mineral on plaques in our heart arteries can contribute to chest pain and heart attacks.
Artery hardening, also known as atherosclerosis, is a condition that affects millions of people worldwide. It happens when ...
King’s College London researchers found that AI-based aging clocks using blood metabolite data can predict health and ...
姜黄:是神奇的天然药材,还是只会让人多花点钱的流行“保健神器”? 长期以来,关于姜黄对关节炎的治疗效果,人们讨论不休。有人信奉它为天然的止痛药,仿佛一勺姜黄粉就能让膝盖告别“沙沙作响”的烦恼。
A number of different strategies can be developed to protect people against atherosclerosis or to treat patients with clinical symptoms thereof. In our opinion, DNA and protein vaccination in ...
Scientists at the Autonomous University of Barcelona looked at various scientific studies to better understand how specific ...
作者:王兴国大连理工大学附属中心医院营养科主任 营养教研室主任、主任医师辽宁省首席科学传播专家辽宁省营养学会副会长、辽宁省营养师协会副会长大连市营养学会副理事长中国营养学会科普工作委员会委员中国医促会临床营养与健康学专业委员会委员文章来源:营养医师王 ...
Experts at Barcelona's Autonomous University examined numerous academic papers to better understand how parts of the ...
This year's top 5 most-read cardiovascular articles explored topics ranging from FDA approvals to the risks associated with ...