Trained and guided by ethnic armed groups, Myanmar’s volunteer fighting forces are challenging the generals’ grip.
Rohingya refugee Syed escapes forced military conscription in Myanmar, highlighting ongoing persecution and violence against ...
Two adult women and four children between infancy and eight years old were killed when junta forces fired on the village of ...
Suu Kyi, 78, is serving a 27-year prison sentence on charges ranging from corruption to not respecting Covid pandemic ...
Since a military junta seized power in 2021, Burmese youth started fighting alongside established ethnic militias to free ...
Junta forces respond with shelling and airstrikes as Kachin Independence Army tightens grip on strategic jade village just ...
The Chinese-Myanmar Economic Corridor was intended to give Myanmar access to global markets via the Indian Ocean.
Pope Francis has offered to give refuge on Vatican territory to Myanmar's detained former leader Aung San Suu Kyi, Italian ...
The regime’s continued airstrikes are undermining the MNDAA’s efforts to end the conflict in northern Shan State, the ethnic ...
The airstrikes took place in Hpakant after a high-profile standoff between junta troops and forces led by the Kachin ...
The future of the (Myanmar) must be peace based on respect for the dignity and rights of all, on respect for a democratic ...
Interviews with resistance soldiers, activists, and internally displaced civilians in the KNU-controlled jungle reveal a life ...